PG&E Responses to CEE Data Requests
PG&E Response to CEE Data Request No. 6 (April 7, 2017)
Attachment 1: Emerald Cities Online Data Reporting Systems Evaluation Report
Attachment 3: ICF Survey of Inclusion Workforce Landscape: Appendices
Attachment 4: Request for Proposal No. 2202 Certificates and Forms
Attachment 6: Request for Proposal No. 2202 General Instructions and Provisions
Attachment 8: Inclusion RFP Pricing Workbook (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Attachment 10: Workforce Education and Training Program Inclusion Questionnaire
Attachment 11: Request for Proposal No. 2202 Certificates and Forms
Attachment 13: Request for Proposal No. 2202 General Instructions and Provisions
Attachment 15: Workforce Education and Training Program Inclusion Questionnaire
PG&E Response to CEE Data Request No. 13 - withheld to protect confidentiality
PG&E Response to CEE Data Request No. 16 (April 7, 2017)
Attachment 4: Hospitality EE Program Contractor Participation Agreement
Attachment 5: Letter of Agreement for Multifamily Cooling Optimizer Program
Attachment 6: Commercial HVAC Optimization Program Participation Guide
Attachment 7: Matrix Energy Services Safety Manual & Injury & Illness Prevention Program
Attachment 9: Trade Professional Alliance Participation Guidelines
Attachment 10: Program Standards for Multifamily Cooling Optimizer Program
Attachment 11: Multifamily Upgrade Rater and Contractor Handbook
Attachment 12: 2017 Savings by Design - Design Team Application
Attachment 13: Project Contractor Licensing and Permit Certification Form
Attachment 14: Contractor Certification of HVAC Permits and License for Custom Calculated Projects
Attachment 15: Contractor Safety Program Contract Requirements