Market Support Metrics Working Group Huddle
Thursday, September 1 from 10-12 PT
Zoom Coordinates below
CPUC’s Energy Division prepared a categorization analysis of metrics and indicators, available below (3rd document listed).
What to expect:
This Huddle will convene in preparation for the upcoming Metrics Workshop on September 15 at 9:30 am, convened at the CPUC’s request and facilitated by CAEECC. The huddle will be a two-hour meeting focused on discussing Energy Division’s proposed categorization, gathering initial input on metrics that need specificity or methodologies, and possibly discussing topics of REN performance metrics and targets. Outcomes from the huddles will inform the presentations and agenda for the September 15, 2022 Metrics Workshop.
Documents Posted Before the Huddle:
Market Support Metrics Working Group Huddle Draft Slides (updated 8.31.22)
Market Support Metrics Working Group Huddle Agenda (Revised 8.26.22)
CPUC ED’s Draft Categorization Analysis of Metrics and Indicators (8.24.22)
Market Support Metrics Working Group Final Report -10.6.21 (8.26.22)
Market Support Metrics Working Group Huddle Roster (8.17.22)
Documents Posted After the Huddle:
Market Support Metrics WG Huddle Mtg Summary (posted as PDF 9/8, re-posted in Word 9/12)
Redlined_ED Draft Categorization Analysis_revised 9.7.2022 (9.12.22)
Zoom Coordinates:
Meeting ID: 813 8738 4314
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