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Evolving CAEECC Working Group
The Evolving CAEECC WG is charged with examining and recommending an alignment of both:
a) the CAEECC’s Purpose, Objectives, Structure, and Processes to California’s state and Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) goals of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion and
b) CAEECC to the evolving needs of the energy efficiency regulatory space.
Meeting Dates and Sub-pages
Evolving CAEECC Meeting #1 - Thurs, 6-15-2023, 9:30am-12:30pm PT (go to Meeting Page)
Evolving CAEECC Meeting #2 - Thurs, 8-3-2023, 9:30am-1:30pm PT (go to Meeting Page)
Evolving CAEECC Meeting #3 - Wed, 9-27-2023, 9:30am-1:30pm PT (go to Meeting Page)
Evolving CAEECC Huddles - Oct 17 and Oct 23 (go to Huddle Page)
Evolving CAEECC Meeting #4 - Wed, 11-15-2023, 9:30am-11am PT (go to Meeting Page)
Written Statements and Written Reflection Compilation (go to Webpage)
Key Documents
Evolving CAEECC WG Process Survey Responses (posted 7-22-2024) (Download PDF)
Evolving CAEECC WG Process Survey Questions (posted 7-10-2024) (Download PDF)
CAEECC WG Reflections (posted 4-30-2024) (Download PDF)
R.13-11-005_SoCalREN_Motion_CAEECC_WG_Report_11292022 (posted 4-10-2024) (Download PDF)
D2304009 Decision Granting Motion of SoCalRen to Use Energy Funds for CAEECC (posted 4-10-2024) (Download PDF)
8-16-2023 Optional CAEECC - CPUC Training hosted by CAEECC Co-chairs Slide Deck (Download PPT Slides)
Evolving CAEECC WG Roster (rev. 10-04-2023) (Download PDF Roster)
Evolving CAEECC Working Group Member Disclosures (Download PNG Disclosures)
4-14-2023 Evolving CAEECC WG Recruitment Flyer (Download PDF Flyer)
4-18-2023 Evolving CAEECC WG Application Questions (rev 4-20-2023) (Download PDF Application Questions)
11-22-2022 Draft Evolving CAEECC WG Prospectus (rev 4-17-2023) (Download PDF Prospectus)
10-24-2022 Compensation Task Force Final Report (11-22-2022) (Download PDF Report)
4-2-2022 Composition Diversity Equity & Inclusion Working Group Final Report (posted 6-13-2023) (Download PDF Report)
What will the Evolving CAEECC WG do?The Evolving CAEECC WG will: Evaluate the current CAEECC Purpose, Objectives, Structure, and Processes and identify recommended updates to these elements. To the extent appropriate, develop a new proposed structure and submit recommendations for approval by CAEECC. Review and propose any updates to the current governance documents and submit recommendations for approval by CAEECC. The origin of these objectives stem from a preceding WG that were proposed and discussed at the April and June 2022 CAEECC Meetings. Additional detail on the scope of the Evolving CAEECC Draft Prospectus linked above.
What is the commitment as a member of the Evolving CAEECC WG?The Evolving CAEECC WG will meet virtually via Zoom and is anticipated to convene every 4-5 weeks for 4 hours each from June 2023 - April 2024. The exact dates and timeframe may vary. Members are expected to participate in some pre- and post-meeting work in addition to meeting attendance. View the anticipated workplan on slide 51 of the Meeting #1 Slide Deck.
What is the importance of the Evolving CAEECC WG?CAEECC is at a pivotal moment where it is examining its purpose and inclusionary practices. The Evolving CAEECC WG is an opportunity to play a critical role to help guide and define what CAEECC is and how it can lead California’s energy efficiency programs towards a just future.
How can I participate in the Evolving CAEECC WG?Applications for the Evolving CAEECC WG are currently closed. Members of the Working Group are listed in the roster linked under Key Documents. All other stakeholders may join Evolving CAEECC WG Meetings as a member of the public and will be invited to contribute at designated public input opportunities that will be announced via the CAEECC listserv.
Who are the Evolving CAEECC Leaders?The Evolving CAEECC Leadership Team is a small cohort of folks selected by the Facilitation Team with a mission to keep this WG on track as well as provide a secondary avenue for WG feedback and inclusion. The Leadership Team participates in monthly meetings and will host WG Member check-ins throughout the ECWG process in an effort to foster community and increase collaboration and productivity. Nicole Milner (representing self), Evan Kamei (representing Energy Solutions), and Fabiola Lao (CAEECC member; representing Center for Sustainable Energy)
What will the Evolving CAEECC WG do?The Evolving CAEECC WG will: Evaluate the current CAEECC Purpose, Objectives, Structure, and Processes and identify recommended updates to these elements. To the extent appropriate, develop a new proposed structure and submit recommendations for approval by CAEECC. Review and propose any updates to the current governance documents and submit recommendations for approval by CAEECC. The origin of these objectives stem from a preceding WG that were proposed and discussed at the April and June 2022 CAEECC Meetings. Additional detail on the scope of the Evolving CAEECC Draft Prospectus linked above.
What is the commitment as a member of the Evolving CAEECC WG?The Evolving CAEECC WG will meet virtually via Zoom and is anticipated to convene every 4-5 weeks for 4 hours each from June 2023 - April 2024. The exact dates and timeframe may vary. Members are expected to participate in some pre- and post-meeting work in addition to meeting attendance. View the anticipated workplan on slide 51 of the Meeting #1 Slide Deck.
What is the importance of the Evolving CAEECC WG?CAEECC is at a pivotal moment where it is examining its purpose and inclusionary practices. The Evolving CAEECC WG is an opportunity to play a critical role to help guide and define what CAEECC is and how it can lead California’s energy efficiency programs towards a just future.
How can I participate in the Evolving CAEECC WG?Applications for the Evolving CAEECC WG are currently closed. Members of the Working Group are listed in the roster linked under Key Documents. All other stakeholders may join Evolving CAEECC WG Meetings as a member of the public and will be invited to contribute at designated public input opportunities that will be announced via the CAEECC listserv.
Who are the Evolving CAEECC Leaders?The Evolving CAEECC Leadership Team is a small cohort of folks selected by the Facilitation Team with a mission to keep this WG on track as well as provide a secondary avenue for WG feedback and inclusion. The Leadership Team participates in monthly meetings and will host WG Member check-ins throughout the ECWG process in an effort to foster community and increase collaboration and productivity. Nicole Milner (representing self), Evan Kamei (representing Energy Solutions), and Fabiola Lao (CAEECC member; representing Center for Sustainable Energy)