Home > Meetings > Subcommittee Meetings > Evolving CAEECC Working Group > ECWG Meeting #3
Evolving CAEECC Working Group Meeting #3
Date: September 27, 2023
Time: 9:30am-1:30pm Pacific
Zoom Coordinates: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89758192349
Meeting ID: 897 5819 2349
A Note from Facilitators:
At the 9/20 Full CAEECC Quarterly Meeting #39, Evolving CAEECC Working Group (ECWG) Members voiced their frustration with the ECWG process so far, continued confusion, and the challenge of trying to do this work within an existing inequitable system. After thinking hard about how to best honor these comments as well as previously elevated comments, the Facilitation Team, with the support of ECWG Leadership, has decided to shift the format of this meeting to open up room for ECWG members to work on what they think makes the most sense, in the way that makes the most sense, within the resource constraints we are currently working with. In the Materials below, the Facilitation Team has updated the Agenda and the Slide Deck.
Materials Posted Before the Meeting
09272023 Evolving CAEECC WG Meeting #3 - Revised Agenda (posted 9-22-2023, revised 9-25-2023) (Download PDF Agenda)
09272023 Evolving CAEECC WG Meeting #3 - Revised Slide Deck (posted 9-25-2023) (Download PDF Slides)
Evolving CAEECC WG Homework C - Facilitator Synthesis (posted 9-11-2023) (Download PDF Synthesis)
Evolving CAEECC WG Homework C - Responses (posted 9-11-2023) (Download PDF Responses)