Compensation Task Force
This Task Force is charged to develop a compensation mechanism for eligible members to pilot (Compensation Pilot) for a future Working Group focused on CAEECC’s Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) efforts. While the Compensation TF’s scope will focus primarily on funding for the JEDI-focused WG, if relevant, its recommendations could inform funding for other CAEECC activities.
Meeting Dates
Compensation Task Force Meeting #4 - Tuesday October 4, 2022, 9:30am -12:00pm
Compensation Task Force Meeting #3 - Wednesday Sept 7, 2022, 9:30am -12:00pm
Compensation Task Force Meeting #2 - Wednesday July 27, 2022, 12:30pm - 3pm
Compensation Task Force Kickoff Meeting - Wednesday June 8, 2022, 12pm - 3pm
Optional CAEECC Onboarding for TF Members - Monday June 6, 2022, 10am-11am
Key Documents
D2304009 Decision Granting Motion of SoCalRen to Use Energy Funds for CAEECC (posted 4-10-24) (Download PDF)
R.13-11-005_SoCalREN_Motion_CAEECC_WG_Report_11292022 (posted 4-10-24) (Download PDF)
Compensation Task Force Final Report (posted 10-24-22 rev.11-22-22) (Download PDF)
Anonymous Compensation Task Force Process Evaluation Results (posted 10-17-22) (Download PDF)
EE Glossary Handout (posted 6-6-22) (Download PDF)
Compensation Task Force Draft Scope of Work (posted 6-1-22) (Download PDF)
CDEI Working Group Final Report - pub. date 4-4-22 (posted 8-30-22) (Download PDF)
Roster for Compensation Task Force (posted 6-27-22)