BayREN (Bay Area Regional Energy Network)
Solicitation Resources
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Request for Abstracts (RFAs); Requests for Qualifications (RFQs), Requests for Proposals
for BayREN Technical and Regulatory Support Services Bench
The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) invites your firm to submit a Statement of Qualification (SOQ) for BayREN Technical and Regulatory Support Services Bench (Consultant Bench). Through this Request for Qualifications (RFQ), ABAG will select one or more qualified consultants with which ABAG may contract to provide services related to this project on an as-needed basis. Proposers may apply to be approved for any one or more of the three Service Categories on the Consultant Bench. Consultants may be contracted to perform Technical and Regulatory Support Services to ensure compliance with California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) reporting and other compliance activities. Services are also sought for overall regulatory and policy support on relevant climate and energy topics.
This project has been divided into three service categories. Consultants may apply to be approved for any one or more of the following service categories on the Bench:
A. Category 1 – Regulatory Reporting: Coordinate and lead regulatory
technical reporting to the CPUC across all BayREN programs.
This task includes attending CPUC reporting meetings and workshops and relevant sub-groups, staying abreast of regulatory reporting requirements and convey/advocate solutions that serve the best interests of BayREN. This category also includes the regulatory support, including monitoring relevant proceedings at the CPUC, California Energy Commission (“CEC”), and other state agencies to provide technical and strategic guidance and relevant policy updates as they occur.
B. Category 2 – Leading the Coordination among the different program managers and implementers for collection of data necessary for submission of regulatory reporting.
C. Category 3 – Data Requests Support: Help develop data and other items identified in CPUC issued data requests, including but not limited those related to impact and process evaluations.
Responses must be received on MTC’s website at https://mtc.bonfirehub.com no later than 4:00 p.m., July 5, 2022. Proposals received after this time and date will not be considered. MTC is not responsible for submissions delayed for any reason. The online submission system will not allow for any submission to be accepted after the stated date and time.
There will be two (2) non-mandatory Proposers’ Conferences will be held at 10 a.m., on May 11, 2022. Proposers may appear via Zoom Teleconference at the following meeting information.
It is recommended that Proposers’ register in advance for this meeting, however, Proposers’ can also register just prior to the meeting or during the meeting (if it is necessary to join after the start):
https://bayareametro.zoom.us/j/82359266579?pwd=SFJMcnlOTE5KTHZzMEZ2Ukp5Tis1dz09&from= addon
After registering, Proposers will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Addenda, Questions and Answers, and other supplemental information will be found at the opportunity website linked above. You will not receive additional notifications regarding this procurement unless you are registered as a Document Taker. To register as a Document Taker, register as a vendor with MTC's procurement web service, Bonfire, go to the procurement, and download a document from the Files tab in the dashboard, or submit a question. All proposers are responsible for checking the website for any addenda to the procurement documents. Responses should be submitted in accordance with the instructions set forth in the procurement.
For questions, please contact:
Point of Contact:
Noah Cohen, Contracts Specialist
Bay Area Metro Center
375 Beale Street, Suite 800
San Francisco, CA 94105
E-mail: ncohen@bayareametro.gov
STOP WASTE RFP (due June 3)
The Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN) is a local government collaboration of the nine Bay Area counties that receives energy efficiency ratepayer funds from the PUC. BayREN has six programs, and StopWaste is the regional lead for two – Green Labeling and Bay Area Multifamily Building Enhancements (BAMBE) – and conducts local outreach in Alameda County for all six. StopWaste seeks firms or individuals with expertise in green building practices, focusing on energy efficiency and electrification, to support program implementation and technical assistance for BayREN’s Green Labeling and BAMBE programs. StopWaste staff will conduct overall project management and the selected team will be support StopWaste in program design and management, developing tools, providing technical assistance, and educating stakeholders to advance energy efficiency and decarbonization in the residential sector. Firms, individuals, or project teams are encouraged to review the Request for Proposals and Request for Qualifications. Respondents may submit to one or more tasks within the RFP and/or RFQ.
Proposals and/or qualifications are due on June 3, 2022 at 5PM. A webinar will be held on May 16, 2022 at 11AM to answer questions on the RFP and RFQ. Please email ealvarez@stopwaste.org for Zoom information. Questions in advance are welcome and the webinar will be recorded.