Archived News

Week of October 10
Draft notes from September 21 CC meeting (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder). Please provide comments to facilitator@caeecc.org by Tuesday, October 19.
To join or participate in the CAEECC webinar at noon this Friday, October 14, regarding Statewide Administration lead assignments and piloting of selected statewide downstream programs, call: 626-543-6758, conference ID: 84993039. The meeting is hosted through Skype. Agenda is posted on the 10/14 Webinar meeting page. Presentation: Statewide Downstream Pilots Follow-Up Discussion (pdf version); Power Point version (may go directly to your "downloads" folder)
On Monday, October 17 (9:30am-3:30pm), California Energy Commission is hosting a workshop re: 2016 Existing Buildings Energy Efficiency Action Plan Update. Click here for notice of workshop.
Click here for Version 2 of Joint IOU Conflict of Interest Plan proposal (October 14, 2016)
Week of October 3
Updated Issue Tracker is now posted. Approximately 300 input records have been added to the tracker as a result of numerous comments received recently. Most new items are from actual stakeholder comments to draft Business Plan Chapters but key comments from both the Ad Hoc Discussion meeting on 9/8 and the CC meeting on 9/21 are also included. The input records are categorized to allow easy “filtering” so that you can, for example, see only “Industrial” input items. In many cases, more context and detail is found in the cross-referenced “source input” document. These are all posted on the website with unique “Input Source Codes” for easy search/locate.
Draft Agenda for October 19 CC meeting is posted. There are a number of important topics on the agenda, some of which require previewing materials that will be posted on the meeting webpage by the middle of next week.
Please review the Comprehensiveness Analysis Report Phase I Draft Report. The research effort described in this report is a foray into developing and offering a program effectiveness metric for all Non-residential resource programs called the Depth of Retrofit - Cost Effectiveness (DORCE) metric. This report will be summarized on October 19 at the CAEECC meeting and we will discuss potential application of this metric in portfolio planning activities.
CAEECC webinar to further discuss Statewide Administration lead assignments and piloting of selected statewide downstream programs has been re-scheduled for Friday, October 14. Webinar will take place from 12 noon to 1:00pm. More details to follow.
There will be a CAEECC "deep dive" webinar on Tuesday, October 25 from 10:00 to noon to discuss in detail the Residential Sector chapters of the Business Plans submitted on October 18. Webinar details will be posted early next week.
On Thursday, October 27 from 1:30 to 2:30pm there will be a "deep dive" webinar to discussion of the substance of the LGSEC Business Plan regarding Statewide Local Government Partnership program to be filed on October 18. Webinar details will be posted early next week.
CPUC is hosting an event on October 12 to discuss baselines and formation of working groups. See calendar for more details.
Week of September 26
CAEECC webinar scheduled for Friday, September 30 has been cancelled. This webinar was originally planned to further discuss Statewide Administration lead assignments and piloting of selected statewide downstream programs. It will be rescheduled for a date approximately 2 weeks from now (actual date and time tbd).
Stakeholder comments and input to draft BP chapters is located here.
Week of September 19
Final Agenda for the September 21 CAEECC Meeting has been posted. The agenda was amended to reflect removal of tenative placeholder for Session 4: Statewide Local Government Program Administration Proposal.
Please review the Discussion Guide for thoughts and reminders about how to provide constructive input to draft BP chapters during the September 21 CAEECC meeting.
September 21 CC Meeting follow up:
Stakeholder comments on PA Statewide Administration Proposal are due to facilitator@caeecc.org by September 26. For more information, see Presentation: Lead SW PAs and Downstream Pilots for Statewide Adminsitration: Programs, Approaches and Elements
Please provide feedback on the WE&T Pilot Program Draft Concept to Brandi Turner and Sam Jensen Augustine by September 26.
Provide comments to Joint IOU Proposal Conflict of Interest Plan to facilitator@caeecc.org by October 5. Revised version will be posted October 15 and discussed during the October 19 CC meeting.
The PAs will be hosting a webinar at noon on September 30 to provide updated allocations for Statewide Administration. More information about how to participate in this webinar will be provided shortly.
Written stakeholder input on voluntary BP chapter drafts is arriving and can be found here. Comments on these draft BP chapters are due to facilitator@caeecc.org by September 28. Please use the comments template for submitting input.
Week of September 12
In preparation for PG&E's upcoming California Behavior Summit on September 29, please complete a stakeholder survey seeking feedback on the newly proposed Behavior Framework. The survey will only take about 15 minutes. Deadline to complete survey is Friday, September 16. Fore more information about the California Behavior Summer, click here or CAEECC calendar. Deadline to register for this meeting is Thursday, September 22.
Draft notes from the 9/8/2016 Ad Hoc Working Group meeting (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder). Provide comments to facilitator@CAEECC.org by Friday, September 23.
A BP Review Comments Template has been created to assist you with sharing substantive input. Written comments on the chapter drafts are due September 28. All written input should be forwarded to facilitator@caeecc.org. The Facilitation Team will post the input and forward it to the respective PAs.
In case it is helpful as your review the draft chapters, we have updated the NRDC Compilation of CPUC BP Guidance Documents and PA Consensus Outline to include items from the Final Decision.
We will be discussing the Draft Business Plan Chapters next week during our September 21 Coordinating Committee Meeting. The chapter drafts range from 30 to 50 pages each, so please set aside a significant amount of time to review and prepare constructive input. Given the limited amount of time to discuss each draft chapter during the CC meeting on the 21st, we recommend that reviewers focus on seeking clarification and flagging bigger issues at the meeting, while providing less substantive issues and style/editorial comments in writing.
Small change to website: we renamed the “Input & Tracking” tab as “BP and IP Info”, under which these new draft BP chapters are posted.
The CPUC is hosting a public hearing on September 21, 2016 to examine the diversity programs of California's regulated utilities. Click here for more information.
Week of September 6
In response to feedback from interested stakeholders, a revised agenda for the 9/8/16 Ad Hoc Working Group meeting has been posted on the meeting webpage.
Feedback on preliminary discussion topics for the 9/8/16 Ad Hoc Working Group Discussion provided via “Response to Agenda for the 9/8/2016 Ad Hoc Working Group Discussion” is posted on the meeting webpage.
Center for Sustainable Energy will host the October 19 CC Meeting. Meeting details will be posted soon.
Click on September 28 on website calendar for more information about Energy Upgrade California Home Upgrade Working Group Meeeting
Draft Agenda for September 21 CC Meeting (hosted by ABAG at 375 Beale Street, 9:00AM-5:30PM).
Statewide Energy Efficiency Program Administrator Guiding Principles, discussed at Ad Hoc Working Group Discussion on Thursday, September 8
The California Energy Commission is hosting a workshop on September 13 regarding Barriers to Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities to Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. See CAEECC calendar or CEC website for more details.
If you have issues or topics arising from the Commission's 8/18 Final Decision that you would like to see addressed on PA Business Plans, please share them as soon as possible via facilitator@caeecc.org. PAs are drafting BPs now and will be discussing their approaches on some of these issues at the CC Meeting on September 21. For each request, please be clear about issue being addressed, what you are hoping to achieve, and provide a list of pros and cons for implementing the request.
Week of August 28
Draft notes from August 9 CC Meeting #8 (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder). Provide comments to publicinput@caeecc.org by Tuesday, September 6.
NEW: September 8 Ad Hoc CC Working Group Discussion on Thursday, September 8. The main objective of the meeting is to allow stakeholders to begin sharing their views on a number of issues arising from the August 18 Final Decision that relate to the PA Business Plans. See 9/8 Ad Hoc Meeting page or Calendar for more details.
The next CC meeting will be held on September 21. The meeting is currently scheduled from 9:00AM to 5:30PM. ABAG will be hosting this meeting in their new San Francisco offices at 375 Beale Street, in the Yerba Buena room (1st floor). Topics will include discussion of the voluntary Business Plan chapters that PAs submit on September 13 and planning for transitions of some programs to Statewide administration. More details coming soon!
On behalf of a number of organizations, including CC Members, Ross Nakasone of BlueGreen Alliance provided a letter requesting modification of PG&E's July 13, 2016 CC Meeting presentation on "Codes and Standards Program: Understanding Energy Code Compliance."
The Program Administrators with input from the Energy Division have completed a Joint Program Administrators' Proposed Business Plan Metric Framework. Stakeholders are invited to download and review Metric Framework documents in preparation for reviewing imminent Business Plan drafts.
Today CAEECC posted links for the first edition of what will be a monthly RTR (Responses to Recommendations) updated tracker prepared as a courtesy for all stakeholders. The spreadsheet summarizes recent RTR documents submitted by Program Administrators with links to the actual RTR files. RTR files describe how Program Administrators intend to respond to feedback provided in recent program evaluations.
Updated Issues Tracking Spreadsheet (as of September 1, 2016) is now posted on the Input & Tracking page (may load directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Week of August 22
Last Thursday, the CPUC unanimously adopted a revised proposed decision: Decision Providing Guidance for Initial Energy Efficiency Rolling Portfolio Business Plan Filings in R.13-11-005.
With the decision finalized, we have posted dates for CC meetings through the end of the year and key milestones for Business Plan Development and Review on the CAEECC Calendar. PG&E will file an advice letter with the updated CC meeting dates.
Week of August 8
Following PG&E's Session 6 presentation at the August 9 CC meeting, PG&E's California Behavioral Definition: Review and Recommendations (8/10/2016) is now posted. PG&E encourages stakeholders to provide comments and input on this whitepaper. Please send your comments to Karen Ehrhardt-Martinez
PG&E is pleased to host a public Behavior Summit on September 29, 2016 at the Pacific Energy Center in San Francisco. Please email Karen Ehrhardt-Martinez for details and agenda.
SCG and SCE Metric Framework Presentation is also posted here.
New schedule developed at 8/9 CC Meeting for Business Plan review process is as follows:
September 13: PAs may submit voluntary, single chapters of BPs
September 21: One-day CC meeting to discuss voluntary draft chapters
September 28: Stakeholder written comments to voluntary draft chapters due (added by Facilitator)
October 18: PAs submit full BP drafts
First Week of November: CC meeting discussion of full draft BPs (*date will be set based on reuslts of upcoming doodle poll)
November 21: Stakeholder written comments to full BP drafts due
Week of August 1
The next CC Meeting will take place next Tuesday, August 9, from 10:00am to 4:00pm at SDG&E's Energy Innovation Center in San Diego. Links to register for the August 9 CC meeting and to attend by webcast and teleconference are posted on the 8/9 CC Meeting page and the calendar.
Draft Agenda and other important meeting documents, including draft proposal in response to the Conflict of Interest Guidance are posted on the CC meeting page.
Week of July 25
Preliminary Draft Agenda for August 9 CC Meeeting #8. Please review the topics proposed and email facilitator@caeecc.org by August 2 if you have any proposed additions or changes. Martha Brook of CEC has already proposed an additional discussion topic not reflected in the current draft.
CAEECC leadership is developing a straw-person proposal for the new CAEECC Business Plan Development and Review Schedule in view of the PD revised schedule for filing. We’ll discuss and finalize this plan in the August 9 CC Meeting.
Save the Date of Wednesday, September 28, 2016 for the next Home Upgrade Working Group meeting (this is not a CAEECC subcommittee meeting). See calendar for more information.
Week of July 18
Pursuant to the proposed decision, the new date for filing Business Plans will be January 15, 2017. In light of the comment schedule and direction in the proposed decision, draft Business Plans will not be produced by the Program Administrators on August 2 (as previously agreed at the July 13 CC meeting).
We still plan to hold a one-day CC Meeting in San Diego on August 9. Agenda and other details will be provided soon.
Facilitator and Co-Chairs will follow up with CC members regarding a new proposed schedule for reviewing draft Business Plans.
Draft Notes from July 13 CC Meeting #7 (may do directly to your "Downloads" folder). Please provide comments to facilitator@caeecc.org by Friday, July 29.
Public comments in response to Conceptual Discussion of Business Plan Metrics are posted on the Business Plan Metrics page.
Week of July 11
Comments in response to PA AB 793 Presentations are due Wednesday July 20. Click here for presentations and contacts for comments.
Comments in response to Conceptual Discussion of Business Plan Metrics are due Wednesday, June 20. Send comments to facilitator@caeecc.org. Click here for discussion, presentation and comments.
Documents for July 13 CC Meeting:
Session 1
Session 2
NRDC Summary of Business Plan v. Implementation Plan per D.15-10-028
NRDC compilation of CPUC Business Plan Guidance and PA Consensus Outline (July 13, 2016)
Session 3
Conceptual Discussion of Business Plan Metrics (July 13, 2016)
Powerpoint presentation for Conceptual Discussion of Business Plan Metrics
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Week of July 5
Draft Agenda for July 13 CC Meeting is posted. As a reminder, this meeting will be held in San Francisco in the California Public Utilities Commission's Golden Gate Room. Check here and the July 13 meeting page on this website for additional meeting materials which will be posted as they become available. Webcast and teleconference information is also posted on this page.
Discussion Topic Proposal Forms for the July 13 meeting on due Wednesday, July 6. Please send completed forms to facilitator@CAEECC.org
CC Co-Chairs and Facilitators are working with PAs on a new schedule for posting Stage 3/4 Business Plans. Updates to schedule will be posted as theu are finalized. We also plan to discuss revised scheudle for Business Plans at the July 13 meeting.
UAFBC Auditors Reports, referenced in Energy Division's May 2016 guidance document in paragraph 3.c. (page 5), are posted on the Regulatory Documents page.
Week of June 20
Locations for upcoming CC Meetings are now set:
CC Meeting #7 will take place on July 13 in San Francisco in the California Public Utilities Commission's Golden Gate Room
CC Meeting #8 will take place August 9-10 at SDG&E's Energy Innovation Center in San Diego
More details to follow
Week of June 13
Draft notes from May 4 Cross-Cutting: Codes & Standards Subcommitteee Meeting (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder). Provide comments to publicinput@caeecc.org by Tuesday, June 21.
Week of June 6
Deadline for submission of draft Business Plans has been extended to July 25, 2016. Draft Business Plans should be submitted to facilitator@caeecc.org so they can be posted on the website.
The ALJ approved a one-week extension for the filing of comments in response to its "Ruling of Assigned Commissioner and Administrative Law Judge Seeking Input on Approaches for Statewide and Third-Party Programs" (issued May 24, 2016). Deadlines are now June 17 for comments and June 27 for reply comments.
Week of May 31
CC Meeting #7 has been scheduled for July 13, from 9:00am - 5:00pm. More details, including Northern California location, will be posted later.
Click here for SDG&E's Notice of Release of RFQ for WE&T providers for Energy Efficiency
Week of May 23
Because the ruling of the Administrative Law Judge last week delays the schedule for filing of Business Plans and applications ("no earlier than November 1, 2016"), the Coordinating Committee is shifting its summer meeting schedule accordingly. The schedule changes are intended to give the PAs more time to develop their Business Plan drafts and to provide stakeholders with more time to review BPs once they are provided by PAs. The changes include the following:
June 8 CC meeting is cancelled.
The next CC meeting will likely occur on July 12 or 13. It will be a one day meeting focused on various key discussion topics. The meeting date, time and location for the new one-day CC meeting in July will be provided once the meeting is scheduled.
Stage 3 Business Plan drafts are no longer due June 27. Instead they will be due later in July (tbd).
The two-day CC Meeting to review Stage 3 draft Business Plan will be August 9-10, 9am-5pm at SDG&E's Energy Innovation Center in San Diego. Draft BPs for Residential, Commercial and Public sectors will be discussed on August 9. Discussion of draft BPs for remaining sectors will be on August 10. Call in options will be available as well as opportunties to provide written feedback.
Draft notes from May 13 Agricultural Sector Subcommittee Meeting (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder). Provide comments to publicinput@caeecc.org by Monday, June 6.
Draft notes from May 5 Industrial Sector Subcommittee Meeting (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder). Provide comments to publicinput@caeecc.org by Monday, June 6.
Week of May 16
CPUC has modified the schedule for filing of Business Plans from September 1 to November 1, 2016. See attached email ruling modifying schedule for energy efficiency Business Plan filings.
CC Meeting is Thursday, May 19 at the PEC in San Francisco, from 9:30am to 4:30pm. Please note updated meeting time. Click here for Agenda, meeting materials, and Webinar access information.
Reminder: Deadline for Post Stage 2 PA Presentation Input for Commercial and Residential sectors is this Wednesday, May 18, 2016. Instructions and input template are posted. Deadline for input for all other sectors is May 25, 2016.
Draft notes from May 2 Public Sector Subcommittee Meeting (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder). Provide comments to publicinput@caeecc.org by Monday, May 23.
Draft notes from May 4 Emerging Technologies Subcommittee Meeting (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder). Provide comments to publicinput@caeecc.org by Wednesday, May 25.
Draft notes from April 25, 2016 Residential and Commercial sector Stage 2 webinars (may go directly to your "downloads" folder). Provide comments to publicinput@caeecc.org by Wednesday, May 25.
Week of May 9
Stage 2 Agricultural Sector Subcommittee Meeting on Friday, May 13 in San Francisco at PEC. Revised time is 10:00am-3:30pm. Click here for agenda and meeting material.
Preliminary draft agenda for May 19 CC meeting in San Francisco is now posted.
The Issues Tracking Spreadsheet and CC Key Discussion Topic List files have been updated and posted. Entries on the Issues Tracking Spreadsheet can be filtered/sorted by sector subcommittee and other fields as desired to help you find issues of interest.
Draft notes from April 18 Residential Sector Subcommittee Meeting (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder). Provide comments to publicinput@CAEECC.org by Monday May 16.
Draft notes from April 20 CC Meeting #5 (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder). Provide comments to publicinput@CAEECC.org by Monday, May 16.
Stage 3/4 drafts of Business Plans are due from PAs for posting on June 27 for review by stakeholders ahead of the July 12-14 sector focused CC Meetings.
CPUC Energy Efficiency Rolling Portfolio Business Plan Guidance (issued 5/2/2016)
Business Plan Staff Review Checklist - click here for .pdf version, click here for .xlsx version (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
Week of May 2
June CC meeting has been moved from June 15 to Wednesday, June 8. Location will be SDG&E's Energy Innovation Center in San Diego. See calendar for more details.
Draft notes from April 15 Commercial Sector Subcommittee Meeting (may load directly to your "Downloads" folder). Provide comments to publicinput@CAEECC.org by Friday, May 13.
Week of April 25
PA Stage 2 presentation materials are due according to the schedule below:
Public Sector - Tuesday, April 26
WE&T X-Cutting - Wednesday, April 27
ET and C&S X-Cutting - Thursday, April 28
Industrial Sector - Friday, April 29
Agricultural Sector - Friday, May 6
Below is an updated schedule for May subcommittee meetings. Webcasts will be provided for each meeting for attendees who cannot participate in person. Stage 2 meeting invites will be sent to interested parties and draft agendas (including links and reservation URLs) will be posted on relevant meeting pages approximately one week before each respective subcommittee meeting.
Date Meeting Location
5/2/16 Public SC Meeting EIC & PEC (Lead facilitation from PEC)
5/3/16 WE&T SC Meeting EIC & PEC
5/4/16 C&S and ET SC Meeting EIC & PEC (Lead facilitation from PEC)
5/5/16 Industrial SC Meeting EIC only
5/13/16 Agricultural SC Meeting PEC only
Instructions and a new input template for Post-Stage 2 Presentations [may go directly to your "Downloads" folder] are posted. Deadline for input for Commercial and Residential sectors is May 18, 2016. Deadline for input for all other sectors is May 25, 2016. To avoid confusion, the obsolete "Pre-Stage 2 Input" guidance and template have been archived.
Dates set for July Coordinating Committee Meetings: Coordinating Commmittee Meetings will be July 12-14, location TBD (Northern California). These meetings will be to discuss PA's first draft Business Plans. May 19 and June 15 Coordinating Commmittee Meetings are still on calendar.
Week of April 18
Click here for more information on the April 25 Commercial Sector Subcommittee Webinar
Click here for more information on the April 25 Residential Sector Subcommittee Webinar
Click here for CC Discussion Topic Proposal Form (may load directly to your "Downloads" file). Proposals are due to facilitator@caeecc.org by noon on Tuesday, April 19.
Click here to find submitted CC Discussion Topic Proposals Forms
Draft notes from March 30 Coordinating Committee Meeting (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder). Provide comments to publicinput@CAEECC.org by Monday, April 25.
Week of April 11
Click here for draft Agenda for Commercial Sector Subcommittee Meeting on April 15
Click here for draft Agenda for Residential Sector Subcommittee Meeting on April 18
Click here to Register to attend April 18 Residential Sector Subcommittee Meeting
Week of April 4
DRAFT Meeting Notes for March 17 Agricultural Sector Subcommittee Meeting (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder) - provide comments to publicinput@CAEECC.org by Thursday, April 14.
DRAFT Meeting Notes for March 18 Cross-Cutting Workforce Education & Training Subcommittee Meeting (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder) - provide comments to publicinput@CAEECC.org by Thursday, April 14.
Updated calendar: See image below for an updated meeting calendar. Note: See website calendar for more up-to-date meeting schedule.
Week of March 28
CC Meeting #4 will be held on Wednesday March 30 from 1-5pm in the office of Energy Solutions, located at 449 15th Street, Oakland. Webcast and teleconference services will be provided for the meeting. Click here for Agenda.
Given the later date of Stage 2 presentations for the other subcommittees, however, we are extending the deadline for Pre-Stage 2 presentation input for Public, Agricultural, Industrial, Codes & Standards, Emerging Technologies and Workforce Education & Training sectors until April 12. Input received after these deadlines may not be considered in time for the PAs' Stage 2 presentations, but will be captured for later consideration.
Dates for Stage 2 non-res/com subcommittee meetings have been set as follows:
5/2 - Public (NorCal and SoCal)
5/3 - Workforce Education & Training (NorCal and SoCal)
5/4 - Codes & Standards and Emerging Technologies (NorCal and SoCal)
5/5 - Industrial (SoCal and webinar)
5/13 - Agricultural and follow up webinar for Public with in-person option (Fresno and webinar)
More information to follow
Week of March 21
DRAFT Meeting Notes for March 15 CC Meeting #3 (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder) - provide comments to publicinput@CAEECC.org by Monday, March 28.
We want your input: In you are interested in providing input to Program Administrators before they prepare their Stage 2 Business Plan development presentations, click here. Deadline for input for Commerical and Residential sectors is March 31, 2016.
DRAFT Meeting Notes for March 15 Cross-Cutting: Codes & Standards and Emerging Technologies Subcommittee Meeting (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder) - provide comments to publicinput@CAEECC.org by Friday, April 1.
DRAFT Meeting Notes for March 17 Industrial Sector Subcommittee Meeting (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder) - provide comments to publicinput@CAEECC.org by Friday, April 1.
DRAFT Meeting Notes for March 16 Public Sector Subcommittee Meeting (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder) - provide comments to publicinput@CAEECC.org by Friday, April 1.
Week of March 15
Input on March meetings: Please send input to cochair@caeecc.org on any/all of the meetings that occurred week of March 15. Meeting notes will be posted here for review week of March 21.
Stage 2 update: PAs are hard at work on Stage 2 of developing their Business Plans, including identifying key problem statements and support for these statements, proposing solutions and metrics to measure progress of solutions, and outlining what partners will be leveraged for these efforts. Click here for draft template (it may go directly to your "Downloads" folder) provided to the PAs and send any comments to cochair@caeecc.org
Updated proposed calendar: See image below for a proposed updated calendar for Stage 2 and Stage 3 based on PA and non-PA feedback. This information will be added to the website calendar as they are confirmed.

CAEECC Working Group Meeting on negotiable contract terms (workforce standards)
Date and Time: Friday, February 16 from 9am - 1pm
Location: PG&E's Pacific Energy Center: 851 Howard between 4th and 5th Streets
Detailed agenda is on the website
Please carefully review and come prepared to discuss the following documents:
Coalition for EE Proposal Contract Language for Workforce Quality
Join from a video system or application
Join by phone: 1 800 603 7556 Toll Free
Contact Co-Chair Lara Ettenson or the Facilitation Team with questions
Week of January 22, 2018
SCE has provided material from the Cost Effectiveness Tool Training in December:
Cost Effectiveness Overview and Calculator (PowerPoint presentation, may go directly to your "Downloads" folder)
CET Training video (posted on PEPMA site)
Week of January 8, 2018
PG&E is hosting an Energy Efficiency Solicitations Matchmaker event to better prepare third party vendors for partnering opportunities on January 31, from 1:00-4:30pm. Due to space limitations, registration is on a first come first-served basis and limited to no more than two people per organization. Click here to register for the event. More information, including Agenda, are provided on the CAEECC calendar.
Week of December 11
Reminder: Energy Efficiency Cost Effectiveness Tool (CET) Training is this Wednesday, December 13, from 8:30am-12:00pm, at PG&E's Pacific Energy Center (851 Howard Street, San Francisco). More information is included on CAEECC's calendar. Click for In-person registration or Webinar registration.
Week of November 27
Supplemental Annual Program Administrator Advice Letters are posted here.
Week of November 20
Reminder: CAEECC ad hoc meeting to discuss status of Third-Party Solicitation opportunities in California in light of CPUC's November 13 proposed decision and supplemental Annual Program Administrator Advice Letters will be held at NRDC on November 28 from1:00-2:30pm with an opportunity to participate via webinar. Remote access information is posted on the 11/28 Meeting page.
Energy Efficiency Cost Effectiveness Tool (CET) Training will be Wednesday, December 13, from 8:30am-12:00pm, at PG&E's Pacific Energy Center (851 Howard Street, San Francisco). More information is included on CAEECC's calendar. Click for In-person registration or Webinar registration.
Week of November 13
The CPUC published a Proposed Decision of Administrative Law Judge Fitch Addressing Third Party Solicitation Process for Energy Efficiency Programs. Click here for more information on the Third Party solicitation process.
In light of the CPUC's proposed decision and the anticipated November 22, 2017 supplemental Annual Program Administrator Advice Letters, CAEECC plans to host a 1.5-hour ad hoc meeting to discuss how the proposed decision and supplemental filings intersect with future solicitation opportunities. The meeting will be held at NRDC on November 28 from1:00-2:30pm with an opportunity to participate via webinar. Remote access information is posted on the 11/28 Meeting page.
Week of October 30
PG&E solicits your feedback on its early draft meter-based (NMEC) "platform" rulebook (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder). Provide comments by Tuesday, November 7 to Ryan Chan.
Click here for guidance on Preparing Successful Proposals for Upcoming Energy Efficiency Solicitations in California. This document is also posted on our Third-Party Solicitation Process page
Week of October 23
Click here for Q&As prepared by PG&E as a follow up to its Solicitation Training in September.
Save the date for PG&E's Cost Effectiveness Tool (CET) Training on December 13, 2017 at the Pacific Energy Center. More details (including agenda) will be provided later.
PG&E has posted a new Contract Opportunity Announcement on PEPMA. The COA is for RFP no. 74435 for Residential Pay for Performance Program Aggregators. Interested bidders need to contact PG&E by Monday, November 6, 2017.
Week of September 25
PG&E has issued a Request for Information (RFI) to identify companies with the ability to provide one or more of the necessary services to manage the Deemed Products Portfolio (DPP) for PG&E or other program administrators, in order to identify qualified companies for participation in a possible future Request for Proposal (RFP) for the work. Click here for more information (scroll down to Event No. 2 Request for Information - Deemed Products Portfolio). Deadline to register is October 4, 2017 COB.
Week of September 18
Draft agenda and remote access information for September 28 CAEECC ad hoc meeting to review the work conducted to date by the California Behavior Working Group is now posted on the 9/28 Meeting page.
Register now Women Energy Associates program: Future Trends in Utility Energy Efficiency Programs on October 18 from 6pm - 9pm at PG&E's Pacific Energy Center. Find more information here.
Week of August 28
On Thursday, September 28, CAEECC will host an ad hoc meeting to review the work conducted to date by the California Behavior Working Group. The meeting will take place at PG&E's Pacific Energy Center in San Francisco from 9am-Noon. Attached is the Meeting Discussion Topic Proposal Form submitted by PG&E. More details to follow here and on the 9/28 Meeting page.
Week of August 21
Register Now for Secrets to Successful Proposals for Upcoming Solicitations in California. The California Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs) and the California Efficiency + Demand Management Council have partnered to offer a series of one-day training courses to help companies build better bids in the upcoming solicitations for energy efficiency programs. The first training course will be hosted by PG&E on September 18. This event is free but registration is required to participate. More information in Calendar.
Week of August 14
Notes from the August 14 ad hoc Q&A meeting regarding Third-Party Solicitation Proposals are posted on the 8/14 Meeting page. They may go directly to your "Downloads" folder.
Week of August 7
CAEECC is holding a 2-hour Q&A ad hoc meeting on August 14 at NRDC for stakeholders to ask the IOUs, SoCalREN, ORA, and CEE questions about their Third-Party Solicitation Proposals to inform party comments that are due on August 18. Click here for more information about the 8/14 Meeting.
Click here for PA Third-Party Solicitation Submissions, filed August 4, 2017.
Click here for Stakeholder Third-Party Solicitation Proposals, filed August 4, 2017 by Coalition for Energy Efficiency and Office of Ratepayer Advocates.
Week of July 31
SDG&E intends to release AB793 Energy Management Programs Request for Proposals (RFP) in mid-August 2017, and will host a Bidder’s Conference Webinar shortly thereafter. Click here for an overview of the AB793 program and the RFP.
Week of July 24
New documents posted this week:
Week of July 17
Week of July 3
Notes from the June 30 Ad Hoc EE Metrics Meeting are posted on the 6/30 Meeting page. Please contact facilitator@caeecc.org if you have questions or comments.
Week of June 19
Southern California Gas Company has posted to PowerAdvocate a Request for Abstract (RFA) to design and implement a Residential energy Management Technology Solution Program (REMTS). Click here for more information. Bidder web-conference is scheduled for Friday, June 23, 10am-12pm.
PG&E has made a Contract Opportunity Announcement for Strategic Energy Management (SEM) Third Party (3P) Program Implementer. Click here for more information posted by PG&E. Click here for information on PEPMA. The deadline for reply has been extended to June 26, 2017.
Agenda for June 30 Ad Hoc Energy Efficiency Metrics Workshop is now posted on 6/30 Meeting page. WebEx and Call In details will be provided shortly. Meeting time is 9:30am to 5:00pm.
Week of June 12
Mark your calendar! On June 30, CAEECC will host the second Ad Hoc Energy Efficiency Metrics Workshop. Meeting will be at PG&E's Pacific Energy Center in San Francisco. Stay tuned for more information which will be posted here and on the 6/30 Meeting page.
Notes from the first Ad Hoc EE Metrics follow up meeting (held June 14) are now posted on the 6/14 meeting page. Please contact facilitator@caeecc.org if you have questions or comments.
Looking for supplemental information provided by the PAs regarding their Business Plans? Check out our revised Regulatory Documents pages. We have links to PA's Responses to questions from the Scoping Memo, Supplemental Budget Information and Comments on Metrics.
Presentations from the CPUC's Third Party Solicitation Workshop on Friday, June 16 are posted as well.
Week of June 5
Agenda for CAEECC's June 14 Ad Hoc Energy Efficiency Metrics Workshop follow up meeting is posted on the June 14 Meeting page. Due to space limitations, we encourage you to participate virtually. If you do plan to attend in person, please limit attendance by your organization to 2 people.
Week of May 29
As a follow up to the Energy Efficiency Metrics workshop on May 26, 2017, CAEECC will be holding a meeting on June 14, 2017 at the ABAG offices in San Francisco from 9am-5pm. Agenda will be posted on the 6/14 Meeting page within the next week. Please limit your organization's participation to two people due to space constraints. Contact facilitator@caeecc.org with questions.
Week of May 22
SDG&E intends to release Strategic Energy Management (SEM) Request for Proposals (RFP) in early June 2017, and will host a Bidder’s Conference Webinar shortly thereafter. Click here for more information.
Week of April 24
Request for Proposal for Energy Efficiency Coordinating Committee Facilitator has been issued. Click here for more information.
Notes from the April 19 CC Meeting are now posted on the 4/19 Meeting page. Notes are posted with each respective session. Please provide comments to facilitator@caeecc.org by Monday, May 8. Notes will be finalized at that time.
Week of April 17
New and revised documents, including Final Agenda, for the April 19 CC Meeting have been posted on the 4/19 Meeting page. Please review before the meeting so we are ready for substantive discussion.
Click here for the CPUC's April 14, 2017 Scoping Memo and Ruling of Assigned Commissioner and Administrative Law Judges.
Week of April 10
Draft Agenda and other documents for the April 19 CC Meeting are posted in the 4/19 Meeting page. The meeting is scheduled from 9:30am - 4:30m at PG&E's Pacific Energy Center in San Francisco.
To review Data Requests propounded by ORA and TURN, and responses of PG&E, SDG&E, SCE and SCG thereto, check out the Discovery page.
Week of March 27
Draft notes from the March 17 CC Ad Hoc Working Group Meeting are now posted on the 3/17 Meeting page. Notes are posted on the respective documents discussed, and are designated "with notes" where applicable. Please provide comments to facilitator@caeecc.org by Monday, March 10. Notes will be finalized at that time.
Week of March 20
CPUC's Custom Programs Workshop is this Friday, March 24 at 10am. Agenda will be posted on Tuesday, March 21. To retrieve the agenda, type "Phase III Custom" in the search text box. Call-in and webcast information is included on the CAEECC Calendar.
The California Energy Efficiency Industry Council is holding its Spring Symposium on April 25 at the David Brower Center in Berkeley. This year's theme is Integrating Efficiency and Demand Response into California's Distributed Energy Future. Click here for full agenda. Click here to register.
ORA's Data Request No. 1 and PG&E's responses thereto are now posted under Discovery.
Week of March 6
Agenda and documents to be discussed at the March 17 CC Ad Hoc Working Group Meeting are now posted on the 3/17 Meeting page.
Click here for ALJ's Ruling Setting Preheating Conference on March 16, 2017 at 10:00am. We have also included this information on our calendar.
Week of February 27
Updated Issue Tracking Spreadsheet including Aggregated PA Resolution Summaries, as well as separate input resolution summaries provided by MCE, LGSEC and SoCalREN, are now posted on the Issue Trackers page under BP and IP Info.
Week of February 20
The deadline for comments to Business Plans has been extended to Friday, March 3, 2017. PA replies to comments are now due on Friday, March 10. Click here for ALJ Fitch's email ruling partially granting IBEW motion for extension of time.
The March 17 CC Ad Hoc Working Group Meeting is now scheduled to take place from 12:30-4:30pm at NRDC's offices at 111 Sutter Street, 21st Floor, in San Francisco. Go to the 3/17 Meeting page for call in information and tentative agenda. Please register for this meeting so we know how many to expect!
Week of February 6
New date for CC Ad Hoc Working Group Meeting: March 17 (previously March 3). Calendar has been updated. Time is scheduled for 12-4pm. Location will be in the Bay Area. More details to come.
The Emerging Technologies Summit will take place April 19-21 at the Ontario Convention Center (Ontario, California). Speakers this year include Commissioner Carla Peterman, Ralph Cavanagh and Laurie ten Hope. Click here or go to www.ETSUMMIT.com for more information and registration. This is not a CAEECC event.
Week of January 30
The CPUC is hosting an Energy Efficiency Business Plans Informal Q&A on February 2, 2017, 9AM - 4PM. See the Calendar for more information. Register for webex here.
The California Energy Commission and the California Public Utilities Commission jointly conducted a workshop on January 23 to discuss key questions in the implementation of the energy efficiency portions of Senate Bill 350, the Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act of 2015 (de León, Chapter 547, Statutes of 2015) (SB 350). Click here to find meeting materials.
Week of January 23
The RENS have filed their Business Plans. Click here for copies of all Business Plans filed by the Program Administrators.
Week of January 16
The IOU and Marin Clean Energy Business Plans were filed with the CPUC on Tuesday, January 17. Click here for copies of filed Business Plans and “Notices of Availability,” which provide access to additional documents supporting the Business Plans.
ALJ Julie Fitch has provided clarification no the filing procedures for REN Business Plans due Monday, January 23. Read her January 19 email here.
Tentatively scheduled CC meetings in February and March have been cancelled. The next CC meeting is scheduled for April 19 in the Bay Area. More details will be provided for this meeting later. There will be a CC Ad Hoc Working Group Meeting on March 3 in the Bay Area to address 2017 process issues, such as implementation planning process, quarterly reporting, and other related matters.
Week of January 9
Draft notes from December 7 CC Meeting (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder). Please send comments to facilitator@caeecc.org by Friday, January 20.
The Ad Hoc EE PRG/IE Working Group has prepared a revised draft IE proposal (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder). A final version will be posted early in February.
Final notes from December 21, 2016 Ad Hoc EE PRG/IE Working Group Meeting [CC0527]
Week of December 26
Draft notes from December 21, 2016 Ad Hoc EE PRG/IE Working Group Meeting (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder). Please provide comments to facilitator@caeecc.org by Monday, January 9, 2017.
Week of December 19
Updated Agenda, Call in Information and Documents for the Ad Hoc EE PRG/IE Working Group Meeting are posted on the 12/21 Meeting page
Week of December 12
SoCalGas has posted its Transition Plan to Achieve 60% Third-Party Requirement. There is no official CAEECC comment process, but please reach out directly to Erin Palermo at SoCalGas with comments and questions by December 16.
Comments on the draft EE Procurement Review Group/Independent Evaluator (EE PRG/IE) proposal are due December 14 to facilitator@caeecc.org. The Ad Hoc EE PRG/IE Working Group will meet on December 21 to discuss the revised draft and discuss how to put that document into the record for Commission consideration.
The latest version of the Conflict of Interest (COI) Policy was approved and adopted by the Coordinating Committee during the December 7 meeting. All future CAEECC events and participation must be conducted in accordance with these policies and procedures.
It was decided during the December 7 meeting that work would stop on the draft Comparison Document due to objections from several members to the overall concept. The draft document has been amended to include language confirming that it is an unofficial draft and does not necessarily reflect the positions of CC members.
The CC is not drafting a joint Policy Letter. It was agreed at the December 7 meeting that Parties who are interested in including parts of draft content initially developed for the now-terminated Policy Letter in their January and February filings and protests, can contact facilitator@caeecc.org directly for more information. This draft content has not, however, been vetted by the CC and therefore is not posted on the CAEECC website.
We were not able to hold the discussion scheduled for Session 5 during the December 7 CC meeting about 2017 Subcommittee activities. However, we encourage stakeholders to review the draft "Utilization of CAEECC Subcommittees to Support CAEECC Mission and Process in 2017" and send comments to facilitator@caeecc.org by December 21. CAEECC will pick this topic up again in February.
Matt Evans of SCE presented a PA plan to conduct "Bottom-Up Program Analysis" of recent programs to help inform future portfolio design. Comments are welcome on this proposal. Please send your thoughts to facilitator@caeecc.org by December 16.
Please refer to the Statewide Administration page for three letters that came in this week recommending K-12 energy efficiency programs in schools.
Week of December 5
Draft notes from November 16 CC Meeting (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder). Provide comments to facilitator@caeecc.org by Tuesday, December 13.
Draft notes from November 2 CC Meeting (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder). Provide comments to facilitator@caeecc.org by Tuesday, December 13.
The last CC Meeting for 2016 is Wednesday, December 7 in Oakland. Go to the 12/7 CC Meeting page for important meeting documents, including the Agenda, and instructions for attending via webinar or teleconference.
The official CAEECC comments periods for all draft PA Business Plans are closed. Stakeholder input on all BPs (except LGSEC's) is posted under "Business Plans". Input on LGSEC's Statewide Local Government Partnership Program is posted separately. We have also posted all input on the PAs' proposals regarding Statewide Administration.
The updated Issue Tracking Spreadsheet captures approximately 1,500 individual input items submitted throughout this year. Thank you to all stakeholders who have taken time to review drafts and provide comments; the PAs appreciate your input!
Week of November 28
Thank you to the many stakeholders who submitted written comments on the draft Business Plans. We received 126 comment documents! These comments documents are posted in a long list at the bottom portion of the page and are also posted on separate pages for each PA with links under the “Input by Program Administrator” heading. We parsed this stakeholder input into over 900 individual issues and loaded them in the Issue Tracking Spreadsheet for PA consideration.
Input on the LGSEC Statewide Local Government Partnership Program is posted separately and all comments have been forwarded to the Local Government Commission for their consideration.
The draft Agenda for the December 7 CC meeting is posted on the meeting page for CC member review and input. Additional information and meeting documents are posted on the 12/7 meeting page for review and consideration prior to next week’s CC meeting.
Additional Reminders:
Tuesday, November 29: Comments on the topic list for the Policy Letter and Comparison Document
Wednesday, November 30: Comments on deferred elements of draft BPs (for example, solicitation plan, etc.)
Thursday, December 1: Comments on SCE's draft BP
Send comments and input to facilitator@caeecc.org. We will post all comments on the CAEECC website.
See Calendar for information on CPUC Strategic Energy Management Workshop, December 16, 2016 from 10:00am-1:30pm.
Updated Issue Tracking Spreadsheet is posted. The most recent version includes comments received December 1 regarding SCE Draft Business Plan.
Week of November 21
We have received many input comments on the draft Business Plans. Click here to access the input page.
We have also updated the Issue Tracker and will continue to do so as comments come in.
Week of November 14
Version 3 of CAEECC Conflict of Interest Policy (and a redlined version) are posted on the Conflict of Interest page and the November 16 Meeting page. Provide comments to facilitator@caeecc.org by Friday, November 18.
Visit the November 16 Meeting page for Agenda and other meeting materials.
CPUC has provided advisory clarification to several issues raised through CAEECC process. Click here to review issues and CPUC response.
Week of November 7
Preliminary Agenda for November 16 CC Meeting is posted here. Please provide comments to facilitator@caeecc.org by Thursday, November 10. Revised agenda will be posted Friday, November 11.
Draft Agenda for November 16 CC Meeting #10. Go to November 16 CC Meeting page for more information.
Week of October 31
Draft notes from October 25 Residential Sector Deep Dive Webinar (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder); provide comments to facilitator@caeecc.org by Friday, November 11
Webinars originally scheduled for November 7 and November 9 to discuss draft Business Plans have been cancelled.
Draft notes from October 19 CC Meeting (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder); provide comments to facilitator@caeecc.org by Monday, November 14
Week of October 24
Reminder regarding meetings this week:
October 25, 10:00AM – Noon: Deep Dive webinar on Residential Sector BP chapters, Conference call dial in #:605-475-3235; Access: 260269 (courtesy of ABAG); click here for meeting page
October 25, 2:00PM – 3:30PM: Ad Hoc Working Group Meeting on Independent Evaluation/Peer Review Group concept proposal at NRDC offices in San Francisco, Conference call dial in: 408-740-7256/ Enter Meeting ID: 833754509/ then Press #. Please review Draft Proposal for Revamped Peer Review Group and Independent Evaluator
October 27, 1:30PM – 2:30PM: Deep Dive webinar on LGSEC Business Plan regarding Statewide Local Government Partnership program; Conference call dial in #: 862-234-4800; Participant Pin: 560 364 6969#; use this link to register for meeting webinar; click here for meeting page.
- Important Input Deadlines on Wednesday, October 26:
Deadline to provide comments and feedback on proposed downstream pilot programs and program elements
Deadline to provide comments on Proposed Conflict of Interest Plan, version 2
Provide input to facilitator@caeecc.org
Comments templates for draft Business Plans are now posted. Click here for Word version of comments template for draft Business Plans (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder). Click here for Excel version of comments template (may go directly to your "Downloads" folder. Provide completed forms to facilitator@caeecc.org by November 21, 2016. Click here for draft Business Plans.
Public comments regarding Conflict of Interest Plan, version 2 are posted here.
Public comments regarding proposed Statewide Programs and Program Elements are posted here.
Draft Agenda is now posted for November 2 CC Meeting.
Week of February 12, 2018
A formal full CAEECC meeting focusing on objectives for the year and introduction of a new facilitator team in the morning; and standard and negotiable contract terms per D.18-01-004 in the afternoon
Date and Time: Thursday, February 15 from 10am - 5pm
Location: NRDC, 111 Sutter Street at Montgomery, 21st Floor