9/8/2016 Ad Hoc Working Group Discussion
Agenda (see below)
Statewide Energy Efficiency Program Administrator Guiding Principles
Discussion Objectives:
The main objective of the meeting is to allow stakeholders to begin sharing their views on a number of issues arising from the August 18 Final Decision that relate to PA Business Plans, which should help us accomplish more during our September 21 CC meeting. This Ad Hoc Working Group meeting is voluntary for CC Members and no official actions will be taken in the meeting. Member priority rules for commenting, however, will be in effect. The meeting is open to the public both for in-person and teleconference participation.
Agenda (including estimated topic times)
[1:00 to 1:15 PM] Welcome, Introductions, Agenda and Ground Rules
[1:15 to 1:55 PM] Statewide programs
Stakeholder input on potential Statewide administrative assignments and a brief PA report out on recent progress on this topic
Stakeholder concerns and recommendations on how to minimize disruptions from transition to Statewide, including
Minimizing impacts on IOU energy center WE&T programs and related programs that implement WE&T at the local level.
Minimizing potential duplication between Statewide upstream and midstream programs
Stakeholder thoughts (if any) on piloting of downstream statewide programs.
[1:55 to 2:20 PM] Stakeholder thoughts on 3rd Party outsourcing by 2020
Stakeholder views on the minimum 60% threshold target by 2020 established by D.16-08-019.
Discussion of what should be included in Business Plans to address Commission directive that "to be designated as 'third party,' the program must be proposed, designed, implemented, and delivered by non-utility personnel under contract to a utility program administrator.
Treatment in the Business Plans of the decision process for selecting pay-for-performance versus time and materials contracting terms for 3rd Party implementers
Thoughts on how the Business Plan chapters or PA Testimony should address using NMEC and automated metering infrastructures to favor more cost effective programs.
[2:20 to 2:30 PM] Break
[2:30 to 2:50 PM] Ideas on how to develop an open solicitation process that gets meaningful input from stakeholders.
Role of independent evaluator for contracting processes.
What types of filings should be required for IOUs to get authorization to sign contracts
[2:50 to 3:15 PM] Stakeholder thoughts on what types of implementation work PAs might keep in house
How can IOU effectively demonstrate that IOU implementation would be most effective approach and where should showing be (BP, IP, or other)?
What budget controls would need to be put in place to track budgets and ensure spending matches expectations
[3:15 to 3:40 PM] Additional stakeholder thoughts on how BP chapters should address the goal of ensuring and continuously improving workforce and installation quality for energy efficiency measures, including ensuring that minority, low-income, and disadvantaged communities fully participate in training and education programs.
[3:40 to 4:00 PM] Public Stakeholder Comment Period