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6/30/2017 Ad Hoc Energy Efficiency Metrics Follow Up Meeting - Part 2

Time: 9:30am-5:00pm


PG&E's Pacific Energy Center, Green Room

851 Howard Street, San Francisco 



Meeting number (access code): 748 805 319

Meeting password: EEPnRkkY


JOIN BY PHONE: 800 603 7556 

Meeting participants are strongly encouraged to consider the following questions with respect to each of the sectors prior to the meeting. Advanced consideration of these questions will enable more productive conversations in the meeting. 


Discussion Focus for Each Sector

  1. What efforts will be required of the parties to achieve and track Energy Divisions’ proposed common metrics?

    • Are there particular resources or expertise deficits that would present challenges in meeting the proposed metrics?

    • What suggestions does the group have for PA’s overcoming these challenges?

  2. Do parties have suggestions for additional or alternative metrics that might more comprehensively and effectively ascertain program and portfolio achievements?

    • How would these additions or alternatives improve portfolio outcome and tracking?

    • Would they present their own challenges?

    • How can those challenges be addressed?

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