4/29 CAEECC Mtg to Review PD
Date: April 29, 2021
Time: 9:30-11:00
Facilitators: Dr. Jonathan Raab & Katie Abrams
On April 16th the Commission issued a Proposed Decision: ASSESSMENT OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY POTENTIAL AND GOALS AND MODIFICATION OF PORTFOLIO APPROVAL AND OVERSIGHT PROCESS. This PD addresses, among other things, CAEECC’s recommendations on a new energy efficiency filing process.
The Energy Division has offered to review the proposed decision with CAEECC and respond to questions ahead of the deadline for filing comments (which is May 6th). As such, we have set up a 75-minute Webex meeting from 9:30 to 11 on April 29th.
Documents Posted Before the Meeting:
PD on EE Goals and CAEECC (4.21.21)
PD on EE Goals and CAEECC - Attachment A (4.21.21)
Slides for CAEECC Mtg w/Energy Division on EE Reform Proposed Decision (4.28.21)
Documents Posted After the Meeting:
QA and Chat Log-ED Responses (5.4.21)
Audio Recording of 4.29.21 Meeting:
Recording link:
Password: rJAgwQM4