4/25/2016 Residential Sector Subcommittee Webinar
You have another opportunity to ask questions or provide input to the Program Administrators on their Stage 2 presentations. The webinar format will be "Question, Answer and Comment." There will be no formal PA presentations. The Residential Sector discussion will begin at approximately 2:00pm and will end by 3:00pm.
Click here to join WebEx Meeting
Meeting number:
747 738 313
Meeting password:
or Join by phone:
Call-in toll-free number: 1-(866) 652-7690 (US)
Conference Code: 960 312 0309
This webinar will be your last opportunity for scheduled live discussions about the Residential Sector Stage 2 documents. Written comments on Stage 2 presentations and materials for Commercial and Residential Sectors are due by COB May 18, 2016 to facilitator@caeecc.org