March 23 WG Meeting on Results of IOU Motion
March 23 Working Group Meeting on Results of IOU Motion on Standard and Negotiable Contract Terms
Following the IOU filing on March 19th, CAEECC will convene a Working Group on the Results of the IOU Motion on Standard and Negotiable Contract terms on Friday, March 23rd from 9:30a – 11:00a. For those able to attend in person, NRDC will host at its San Francisco offices at 111 Sutter Street @ Montgomery; 21st floor - Sequoia Conference Room. To join remotely via the BlueJeans system, see below.
Meeting Objectives: Provide a venue for interested stakeholders to pose questions about the IOU Motion proposing standard and negotiable contract terms for third-party programs.
Meeting Agenda:
Brief opening remarks about filing--IOUs
Member questions
Public questions
Please review the filing HERE, and come prepared with specific questions to ask the IOUs, as well as any further analyses to help inform the discussions.
Documents posted after the meeting:
Joint Motion for Approval of Proposed Standard Third-Party Contract Terms